"Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time." - Maya Angelou
We met on a Saturday
near 23rd and Savier Good first impression
with his chivalrous behavior
Strolling up the street,
he chatted me up and we swept into Moonstruck
for a sweet cup
Time flew by as we
told our life narratives and stories of dating,
friends and relatives
As I told him my stories,
he studied my eyes and told me, my words
he would memorize
This cordial new suitor,
has me flattered and fixed Our evening went on
with more laughs in the mix
The next mission was
a fried chicken pastry So much for that,
next stop, some olfactory
He loves chocolate,
weird donuts and lemongrass He dishes it well, and
takes my playful sass
Moving onto the
whiskey bar for a hot toddy This first date is
going on quite happily
Enjoying more ease,
holding hands, seated close My leg draped over his,
then to him I disclose
“I write poetry, erotic poetry,”
watching for reaction He has yet to understand
my longstanding passion
He reads a recent work,
just to give him a taste Then goes in for a kiss
at just the right pace
This first date, as it seems,
has great potential Enchanted and moonstruck,
this could be something special
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