"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." Robert Frost
He prays to the stars,
The sun and the moon
For a new love
to come his way soon
All by himself
For too many years
Isolated in part
by his own fears
She walks by herself
to the sea every night
Collecting the stars
Lit up so bright
Filling her pockets
Right up to the brim
Until the time comes
for an evening swim
His mind wanders
and spirit roams free
Of the highest mountains
And the moonlit sea
Out in the distance
as the moon shone
He knew on that night
he was no longer alone
Sweet bella greeted him
Heart beaming with love
After gathering stars
from galaxies above
Sharing her energy
this radiant soul
For him to explore
enjoy and behold
That wondrous night
under moon and stars
She'd fully aroused
his mind soul and heart
In nature's beauty
And wondrous caress
this night at the sea
The pair was blessed
Now all wrapped up
in their favorite tales
Up in the clouds
they’d soon set sail
Soft silken words
caressed their skin
Views of sea and stars
from where it begins
Dreamy nights await
Two poetic lovers
Interwoven together
under layers of covers
Drifting off now
to wondrous diction
Partners in fantasy
verse and fiction
Magical luck
and timing at play
The night they met
at the moonlit bay
All fears, doubts
remorse set aside
The longing has now
been most satisfied
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